We can help you to prepare for and achieve results in your next negotiation.
Our experience includes:
- Design and facilitation of negotiation processes (We were asked to provide advice and assistance to company representatives involved in a large EBA negotiation. The company wanted to adopt a collaborative approach. Company personnel were given advice, skills coaching and assistance during the negotiation.)
- Advice in regard to upcoming negotiations (We have helped with the design of negotiation processes and provided out and inside-the-room support)
- Coaching and Training for Managers (We were asked recently to provide a 2 day workshop for senior managers to stop ‘contract creep’).
- Advice about negotiating with Community and Environmental groups (We have helped companies to establish processes to enable a civil and collaborative negotiation on issues impacting on local groups)
- Coaching and Training for Lawyers (We have conducted numerous negotiation training programs for lawyers)
Popular topics include:
- Preparing for negotiations;
- The fundamentals of negotiation;
- Expectations about negotiations;
- Setting up a team and achieving consistency;
- Avoiding contract creep;
- Tricks and Tactics;
- Communicating your message; and
- Breaking impasses and other skills.
For more information please Contact us